Frequently Asked Questions


How much wallpaper will I need?

That will depend on a few things. 1) Dimensions of the space desiring wallpaper. 2) The wallpaper selection itself. This is because there aren’t standards of width or length with wallpaper rolls. Some are sold in single rolls. Some double or even triple rolls. And those aren’t standardized, either. Some rolls are sold in 5-yard increments, 8, 9, 10, 11 yards, or even longer. Some common widths are 17-inches, 20.5”, 21”, 24”, 27,” 36”. Then, finally, there is 3) the factor of the pattern. Horizontal and vertical repeats vary on just about every paper. This is why it is important to know the wallpaper selection before indicating how much must be ordered.

What type of paper should I order?

There are so many types of wallpaper that this answer could go on for hours, but what we mainly install in residential homes is traditional, non-pasted wallpaper on a non-woven backing. It’s classic, timeless, and importantly breathable. Non-woven wallpapers will last for 10-15 years, and sometimes much longer. A heavily used bathroom without proper ventilation should probably go without wallpaper or use vinyl wallpaper instead of non-woven paper.

We install many naturals such as silk, bamboo, cork, hemp, grasscloth, etc. They have a beautiful and distinct look!

As a reminder, we do not install peel-and-stick products. They are not wallpaper!

Where should I purchase wallpaper from? 

There aren’t many retail shops anymore throughout the United States, and that includes Central Texas. If you are working with an interior decorator, they can help you navigate designing your space. Otherwise, there are many wallpaper outlets online. We also are trade members with many wallpaper manufacturers and can help with purchasing. We can likely save you money on the purchase of materials.

How much do you charge per square foot?

Depending on the project, we will charge by the square foot or roll. We have decades of experience, and many call us because they know we are the best. We are not the cheapest wallpaper installation company, but we deliver on quality and efficiency, and we desire to create the friendliest and most professional experience a client can have!

Do you remove wallpaper?

Yes. Depending on the installation, we will remove the existing wallpaper before installing new material. Or, in some cases, we can prime/seal over the existing wallpaper without any negative effect. Some wallpaper makes for a great liner paper.

Do you preserve antique wallpaper? 

That depends on the current condition of the wallpaper. Preserving damaged wallpaper is an art. Our focus is to prevent future damage by incorporating a dead-matte varnish to protect the wallpaper.

How long is the installation process?

That can vary greatly. Some installations are a half day. Some projects will take a full day or even a week or more. Some jobs have multiple rooms and spaces, and the degree of difficulty and artistry needed on some papers can take a significant amount of time.

Are any of the products used during installation toxic?

We proudly use Roman Products’ adhesives. They are superior and used on even the most premium papers. All of the adhesives we use are USDA® Certified BioBased Products.

How far away should I move my furniture from the installation space?   

A good rule of thumb is to move furniture and articles at least six feet from the walls. One of the things that separates the professionals from amateurs is a pasting and booking table. Depending on the width of the material being installed, we will also require a 10’ x 6’ space or a 10’ x 10’ area for staging and booking the wallpaper.